Dachshund T-Shirts & T-Shirt Designs

Dachshund T-Shirts

Showing 1345–1355 of 1355 results

Dachshund T-Shirt FAQs

Where can I discover more t-shirt designs?

Apart from Dachshund T-Shirts, you can explore the marketplace for dachshund halloween t-shirts offered by TeeNavi.

Check out some of TeeNavi’s most popular designs for Dachshund T-Shirts:

What material is this item made of?

This item is crafted from 5.3-ounce, 100% cotton, featuring variations for specific colors: 99% cotton and 1% poly for Ash, 90% cotton and 10% poly for Sport Grey, and a 50/50 cotton-poly blend for Dark Heather. It's a heavyweight classic unisex tee with a taped neck and shoulders, complete with a tearaway label. Additionally, it's made using sustainably and fairly grown cotton from the USA.

When will I receive the item?
  • For the USA, the estimated delivery time is 7 – 14 business days.
  • For the Canada, AU, UK and EU countries, the estimated delivery time is 10 – 20 business days.
  • For all other countries, the expected delivery time is 20 – 30 business days.

All shipping estimates include printing and processing time in business days.

What is the policy for Returns/Exchanges?

We aim for your satisfaction with your order! If there's any reason you're not satisfied, inform us, and we'll take corrective actions. Find out more »