22+ Funny Father Day Games Ideas To Play With Dad

22+ Funny Father Day Games Ideas To Play With Dad

What better way for you to enjoy the fun times with your dad than with some exciting Father Day games? Father’s Day is a wonderful occasion to give your love to dad and express gratitude for the precious things he has given to the family. So, have you chosen any game yet? If not, please take a look at the following article by TeeNavi with 22+ ideas from old-school classics like chess and cards to more modern games. These games will keep your family filled with laughter and fun on Father’s Day.

1. Father’s Day scavenger hunt

The scavenger hunt is the first idea for Father Day games that we want to recommend to you. Let’s set up a scavenger hunt in your backyard with clues that only Dad can guess. Each clue will bring him closer and closer to the treasure, also known as his Father’s Day gift!

Father Day games
The first game for playing with your dad on Father’s Day

2. Name That Item! – Father Day games

Here’s an exciting one for Father’s Day game ideas that’ll make both kids and adults laugh! Let your dad sit down and blindfold him. Then, gather items for the kids to describe without naming, and see how many items dad guesses correctly. All you need are household items, a timer, and Dad’s trusted knowledge. Items may include tools from the toolbox, combs, toothbrushes, irons, flower vases, or your dad’s favorite cooking tools!

Father's Day scavenger hunt
Guess the name of the items for Father’s Day games

>>>> LEARN MORE: 20+ meaningful Father’s Day celebration ideas in office

3. Puzzle Race

Puzzle Race is a fun game for people of all ages, and it allows everyone to showcase their puzzle-solving abilities. In addition, its gameplay is so easy to learn, making it one of the best Father Day games available. Begin by gathering some puzzles in boxes of various sizes, such as 12-piece jigsaws or larger 100-piece puzzles.

Father's Day horror game
Let your family join the puzzle race on Father’s Day

Then, you set out all of the puzzles on a large table or other flat surface and divide the participants into two teams! Set a timer for 15 to 20 minutes and see which team can assemble the fastest complete puzzle. The team who completes their puzzle first will be the winner of the race. Remember to prepare some attractive gifts to make the game more exciting!

4. Father’s Day Bingo

Bingo must be a very familiar game to us and is suitable for any occasion. To play this Father Day games, you can create Bingo cards with Father’s Day-related items such as grill, belt, toolset, necktie, fishing rod, razor, perfume, etc. The first player to complete a row, column, or diagonal on their Bingo card and shout “Bingo!” wins the game.

Father's Day game ideas
Play the Bingo game with your Dad on Father’s Day

>>>> DON’T MISS OUT: 20+ fun things to do for Father’s Day ideas

5. Human Ring Toss

Human ring toss is a simple and enjoyable games for dad and family to play by the pool or at the beach and even in your backyard. First, you need to divide family members into two or three teams. The group members must stand at the agreed distance away from each other before starting to toss their rubber rings over their opponents’ heads. If a ring successfully lands on one of the opposing team’s shoulders, that team gets one point. And the team that has the highest score wins the game!

happy Fathers Day game
Let your dad enjoy a fun time with the Human Ring Toss game

6. Flag Football

The flag football is ideal for Father Day games and an excellent way to get everyone’s blood pumping. Your family can play this game on any flat surface, both indoors and outdoors, with minimal setup. All you need to prepare are flags for each player and an oval-shaped field marked by cones or lines painted on the ground.

Father Day games
An exciting Father’s Day game with Flag Football

In this game, two teams compete against each other, attempting to score touchdowns by crossing the opposing team’s goal line. The catch occurs when an opposing team member has possession of the ball. It must be taken away from them to prevent them from scoring by removing their flag or tagging them with two hands.

7. Cornhole – Father Day games ideas

Whether your family has two or twenty-two members, cornhole is sure to be a good choice for Father Day games! It can be played in any weather and requires little setup or space. To get started, you’ll need two boards that resemble slanted boxes and have a hole cut in the top, as well as eight bean bags. 

Father's Day scavenger hunt
Play the Cornhole game with your family at Father’s Day party

You should note that the distance between the boards should be approximately 27 feet. Then, place them side by side for an easier game. Players take turns tossing their beanbags toward the opposite board from behind an imaginary line known as the “foul line” at one end.

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8. How Well Do You Know Dad?

Time to test your knowledge about your father with the “How Well Do You Know Dad?” game! This game gives family members a great opportunity to learn more about Dad. It also generates a lot of Laughs as everyone gets creative with their responses. To begin, you need to make a list of questions about Dad ahead of time, such as “What’s his favorite food?”, “What would Dad’s perfect day look like?”. 

Father's Day horror game
Test how well you understand your dad with this game

Prepare for each player a sheet of paper or a dry-erase board for them to write their answers on. Let’s ask the questions, and once everyone (including Dad) has recorded their responses, reveal everyone’s answers all at once. Whoever has the closest answer to what Dad wrote gets the point. When playing these Father’s Day games, your home will definitely be filled with joy!

9. Yoga Dice Game

If your dad enjoys yoga, test his skills with this fun dice game. This happy Fathers Day game is ideal for engaging the entire family in quality time together. All you need to prepare are yoga mats, a timer, and dice depicting various yoga poses. To play, each player takes turns rolling the dice to determine which yoga pose everyone must perform. Then, players hold yoga poses for 30 seconds or more. The longer they can stay in a pose without falling out, the more points they earn.

Father's Day game ideas
A fun game with many interesting yoga poses

10. Create The Ultimate Dad Quiz

With this idea for Father Day games, you can play it any time of the year. It’s a great way for the kids to learn more about their loving dad in a lighthearted way. Paper, pencils, and your imagination are all you need to prepare for this game. First, write down questions about hobbies, childhood memories, and family history—anything that will help the kids learn more about dad. Give the kids time to fill in the questionnaire and see how many quizzes your kids can get right.

happy Fathers Day game
Challenge the kids with the ultimate dad quizzes

11. Lawn Dominoes

These giant lawn dominoes are sure to be a hit for Father Day games, as well as at outdoor game nights and barbecues. All you need is an open space, like a grassy lawn in your backyard, and large plastic dominoes. Participants will place them end-to-end in rows, making sure that each piece touches two others at right angles. Then, take turns adding more pieces until one person is unable to place any more pieces down and at that point, they have lost the game.

Father Day games
Have fun playing dominoes on the lawn with dad

12. Don’t Wake Daddy

This classic children’s game is extremely suitable for Fathers Day theme ideas! Don’t Wake Daddy is an alarm clock game designed for fun. Players imagine craving a midnight snack and need to overcome various obstacles to get to the refrigerator. The first player who lands on the Rainbow Refrigerator space wins.

Father's Day scavenger hunt
The kids will be nervous when playing the Don’t Wake Daddy game

13. Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek game is suitable for all ages, and, most importantly, entertaining for all. Whether you play with a large or small group, this one for Father Day games is an excellent way to bring the family together to celebrate your beloved dad. First, pick one person to be ‘it’ – it could be Dad.

Father's Day horror game
An exciting hide-and-seek on Father’s Day

With that, the remaining players then take turns hiding in various locations throughout the house or backyard. After all, players hide and count ‘It’ from 1 to 10 while covering their eyes. When they reach ten, they yell, “Ready or not, here I come!” and embark on a mission to find everyone else. If a player is found, they revert to being ‘It’.

14. The Dad’s Bucket List

This Father Day games help dads connect with their children and create special memories that they will never forget. This is an entertaining game that will have everyone laughing as they try to figure out what’s on Dad’s bucket list. To begin, each person makes a list of 20 things they think dad would like to do in his life, ranging from visiting a Mexican beach to learning to play guitar.

Father's Day game ideas
Make everyone laugh by choosing this idea for Father’s Day games

Once the items have been compiled, place them in a bowl and get ready to have fun! Allow each family member to take turns drawing a slip of paper and read it aloud. After reading all of the slips aloud, guess which one belongs to Dad based on his reaction or facial expression. If no one guesses correctly, Dad can reveal which item was his own!

15. Basketball Laundry – Father Day games ideas

Who doesn’t enjoy playing basketball? According to basketball demographics, 70% of NBA fans are male. I bet your dad is one of them, so you shouldn’t miss this idea for Father Day games. This game, however, does not require a basketball ring or a full court.

happy Fathers Day game
An ideal Father’s Day game with Basketball Laundry

You only need a bucket or laundry basket and some rolled-up socks. To play the game, each family member takes turns throwing the sock ball, and when a player scores, he or she takes one step back and throws it again. The player who shoots the longest distance wins. 

16. Pin The Tie On Dad

This classic Father’s Day game ideas will undoubtedly bring lots of laughter, regardless of your age. Let’s print or draw a picture of your father wearing his favorite tie to start this fun game. Blindfold each player in turn and hand them a paper tie with sticky tape on one side. Let them take turns pinning the tie to the dad’s image. Keep track of the score for each round and award points to the person who pins it closest to the intended location. Finally, the person with the most points wins!

Father Day games
Pin The Tie On Dad is a wonderful game to play on Father’s Day

17. Go Backyard Bowling

The backyard bowling is an excellent chance to get the entire family outside and away from screens. You will only need a few pieces of equipment and a little creativity to get started this Father Day games. These include empty water bottles or other similarly shaped items that can be used as “pins”, a ball of any kind (even a soccer ball!), and some chalk or tape to mark the boundaries of your playing field. Then, arrange your pins like traditional bowling lanes: triangular or parallel rows will suffice!

Father's Day scavenger hunt
Organize a bowling battle in your backyard

18. Play Chess

Chess is undoubtedly one of the world’s oldest and most popular board games. And, it’s also an excellent way for your family to spend quality time together. If your kids don’t know how to play chess yet, Father’s Day is an excellent opportunity for dads to teach them. It’s a bonding experience that everyone will cherish forever.

Father's Day horror game
A great opportunity for dads to teach their kids how to play chess

19. Our Hands Are Tied

Our Hands Are Tied is the next idea for Father Day games that we want to introduce to you. All you need is two players (you and your father), a large basin of water with many objects placed inside, and a piece of string or rope. Then, each player attempts to pick up objects around them with only their teeth – no hands allowed! The player who collects the most objects in two minutes wins.

Father's Day game ideas
The interesting game with no hands allowed

20. Card Games

For centuries, card games have always been a traditional and popular game for many different occasions. You can play kid-friendly card games that the entire family can enjoy. Each card game has a set of rules and playing them provides cognitive benefits. You can also add more fun by creating special rules and rewards for winners. Surely these Fathers Day theme ideas will create memorable memories for the whole family on Father’s special day!

happy Fathers Day game
The popular Father’s Day game with Card Games

21. Building Blocks

For toddlers, playing building blocks with Dad is the best option for Father Day games. Experts believe children enjoy building blocks because there is no right or wrong way to play them. It also teaches kids patience and imagination. You can let the kids compete with their dad to see who can build the tallest pile of blocks or play a guessing/touching game with colors and shapes. Try it!

Father Day games
Let dad have a happy time with playing building blocks

22. Pie Eating Contest

Now we will come to the last idea for Father Day games that we want to recommend to you in today’s article. That’s organizing a father-kid pie-eating contest with no hands. The goal is for each player to finish their pies before anyone else. In addition, to prevent a sugar rush, you should prepare cakes that do not contain too much sugar or use single slices or mini pies.

Father's Day game ideas
The last idea for fun Father’s Day games

The above article gives you a list of 22+ unique Father Day games that you can refer to. Hopefully, you can choose exciting games to have fun with your dad on Father’s Day through the ideas we suggest. And finally, don’t forget to contact TeeNavi if you need our support with any issue!

>>>> LOOKING FOR MORE: 15+ how to make dad feel special on Father’s Day

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